Hobby Locker Blog

Trending Crafts of 2023

Trending Crafts of 2023

If you have room in your heart and your craft room for another fun hobby, we hope this gives you a touch of inspiration! Time to make room in your...

Trending Crafts of 2023

If you have room in your heart and your craft room for another fun hobby, we hope this gives you a touch of inspiration! Time to make room in your...

Why Cross Stitching & Embroidery Are Making a Huge Comeback!

Why Cross Stitching & Embroidery Are Making a H...

We are all for leaving behind hustle culture and prioritizing what matters most, here at Hobby Locker. Prioritizing small business, prioritizing handmade, prioritizing creativity, and seeking for the unique, in...

Why Cross Stitching & Embroidery Are Making a H...

We are all for leaving behind hustle culture and prioritizing what matters most, here at Hobby Locker. Prioritizing small business, prioritizing handmade, prioritizing creativity, and seeking for the unique, in...